Uptake of different pharmaceuticals in soil and mycorrhizal artichokes from wastewater

Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2022)

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The irrigation with treated wastewater is among the main anthropogenic sources for the release of pharmaceuticals (PhACs) into the soils and their translocation into crops, with possible toxic and adverse effects on humans. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can be employed for the reduction of organic soil pollutants, even if their efficiency depends on the mycorrhizal fungi, the plant colonized, and the type and concentration of the contaminant. This study aimed to evaluate the uptake of PhACs from wastewaters of different qualities used for the irrigation of mycorrhizal artichoke plants, the presence in their edible parts and the role of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The research was carried out on artichoke plants not inoculated and inoculated with two different AMF and irrigated with treated wastewater (TW), groundwater (GW) or GW spiked with different and selected PhACs (SGW). The inocula were a crude inoculum of Septoglomus viscosum (MSE) and a commercial inoculum of Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae (MSY). The results of the present study showed that carbamazepine and fluconazole were found in the artichoke only with SGW irrigation. The mycorrhizal plants showed a reduction of the pharmaceutical’s uptake, and within the AMF, MSE was more effective in preventing their absorption and translocation.
Contaminants of emerging concern,Plant organs,Irrigation,Septoglomus viscosum,Glomus intraradices,Glomus mosseae
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