
ICT Assesment Techniques and Tools for Screening Specific Learning Disabilities

A. Devi,G. Kavya, K. Santhanalakshmi,B. Senthilnayaki

2022 5th International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST)(2022)

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Recent decade has proved an increase in learning disabilities and directly impacts the education of children worldwide. This problem has to be addressed with a solution since they integrate into society for a bright future. Abnormalities in brain has an impact on memory, intellectual thinking and its balance is getting affected. Because of which achievements in academics and learning ability among children is observed to be lagging. Conventional methodologies involved in detection and interventions in Specific Learning Disability affects the controlling functions creating a barrier in education. The views provided enhances the development of cognitive skills and progress in academics. The tools provided in this work has observed academic progress of an individual. This survey focuses on various learning disabilities and their impact on education. The review findings focus on the tools and various solutions provided in the recent past, supporting the children suffering from learning disabilities. The studies have provided effective guidance for both affected students and teachers who contribute a major role in their progress. This survey provides an exploratory approach to discuss detection and diagnosis tools for three disabilities dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia with its various impacts and possible solutions. It provides a broad view for future researchers to provide a better solution compared to existing ones.
Dyscalculia,Early identification,Specific Learning Disabilities,review
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