Suppression and amplification of phonon sidebands in transition metal dichalcogenides by optical feedback


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Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) combine both strong light-matter interaction and strong Coulomb interaction for the formation of optically excitable excitons. Through radiative feedback control, a mechanism to control the linewidth can be applied, which modifies optical transition spectra. Here, we extend these investigations to the absorption spectra of TMDCs in a variety of geometries with respect to non-Markovian exciton-phonon-scattering contributions. Our approach is based on the self-consistent solution of the microscopic Bloch equations and the macroscopic solution of the wave equation. We discuss the formation of a phonon sideband for MoSe2 embedded in SiO2, and two setups for enhancing or suppressing the phonon sideband in the spectrum.
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phonon sidebands,transition metal
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