
Transcoronary Electrophysiological Parameters in Patients Undergoing Elective and Acute Coronary Intervention.

PloS one(2023)

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INTRODUCTION:Percutaneous coronary intervention is performed routinely in the management of myocardial infarction with obstructive coronary disease, but intervention to arteries supplying nonviable myocardium may be harmful. It is important therefore to establish myocardial viability, and there is an unmet need in current clinical practice for real time viability assessment to aid in decision making. Transcoronary pacing to assess myocardial electrophysiological parameters may be a novel viability assessment technique which could be used in this regard.METHODS:Coronary intervention was carried out according to standard departmental procedure with standard equipment. An exchange length coronary guidewire was passed into both target and reference coronary vessels and an over-the-wire balloon or microcatheter was used to insulate the guidewire and allow electrophysiological parameters to be assessed. Readings were obtained from all major epicardial vessels and substantial branches. At each position, an intracoronary electrocardiogram was recorded, and R wave amplitude was measured. Transcoronary pacing was then performed to establish threshold and impedance for each myocardial segment. A viability cardiac MRI scan was performed for each patient. A standard segmental model was used to determine viability in each segment using an 'infarct score' based on degree of late gadolinium enhancement. Studies were reported blinded to the electrical parameters obtained from the coronary guidewire. The primary outcome was the relationship between pacing threshold and myocardial segment infarct score. Secondary outcomes included the relationship between segmental infarct score and R wave height, and between segmental infarct score and pacing impedance. Data were collected on the feasibility of studying the coronary segments as well as safety.RESULTS:Sixty-five patients presenting with stable coronary artery disease or acute coronary syndromes to Leeds General Infirmary between September 2019 and August 2021 were included in the study. Electrophysiological parameters from segments with an infarct score of zero were obtained, with wide variances seen, with no significant difference in impedance or threshold in any territory. There was a significant difference in sensitivity for segments in the right coronary artery territory for both elective and acute patients. This likely relates to reduced myocardial mass in these territories. No significant association between infarct score and sensitivity, impedance or threshold were seen.CONCLUSION:This study has established intracoronary electrophysiological parameters in both normal myocardium and areas of myocardial scar. No reliable association was seen between impedance, threshold or R wave amplitude and degree of myocardial viability, contrasting with prior findings from our group and others. More work is therefore required to fully understand the role of transcoronary pacing in this setting.
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