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What Would You Do? Engaging Remote Learners Through Stop-Action Videos

Caroline Littleton, Victoria Bolus,Tara Wood,James Clark,Nancy Wingo,Penni Watts

Nurse educator(2023)

Cited 0|Views15
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Background:Engaging remote learners can be challenging for nurse educators. With an increase in virtual learning, nurse educators are seeking activities that support engagement and improve critical thinking. Problem:Students in virtual classes need learning experiences that support critical thinking and involve appropriate case studies for knowledge application. Approach:Stop-action video vignettes as unfolding case studies employ technology that can facilitate critical thinking and active learning in a virtual setting. Stop-action video vignettes can be useful in enhancing student learning through 3 methods: video-based discussion, text-based discussion, and branching matrices. Conclusion:Stop-action video vignettes with unfolding case studies may provide effective and versatile activities to engage students and enhance learning
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case studies,critical thinking,educational technology,nurse practitioners,student engagement
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