
Multiyear experience with mobile online platform for documentation of acute care surgery fellows supervision

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery(2023)

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BACKGROUND: There is currently no standard for documenting supervision of acute care surgery (ACS) fellows. To accomplish this goal, we de-veloped a web-based survey that is accessible via mobile platform. We hypothesize that our mobile access survey is an effective, reproducible tool for assessing fellow clinical performance. METHODS: A retrospective review from 2016 to 2022 of all data captured in an encrypted database on all ACS fellows at our institution was performed. Supervision was defined as: Type 1 direct face-to-face, Type 2a immediately available in-house, Type 2b available after notification via phone with remote electronic medical record access, and Type 3 retrospective review. Data were collected by su-pervising faculty using a web-based clinical performance survey created by fellowship program leadership. Survey data collected included clinical summary, trainee, proctoring faculty, clinical service, operative/nonoperative, supervision type, Zwisch autonomy scale, time to input data, and graduate medical education milestone performance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: A total of 883 proctoring events were identified, including the majority as Type 1 (97.4%). Trauma comprised 64% of evaluations. Fifty-two percent of the proctoring events were surgical cases. Complexity was graded as average (77%), hardest (16%), basic (7%). Guidance included supervision only, 491 of 666 (74%), with 26% requiring faculty intervention. Fellow performance was graded as average (66%), above average (31%), and below average/critical deficiency (3%). Graduate medical education perfor-mance was available for 247 of 883 interactions identifying 31 events with potential for improvement. Average evaluation comple-tion time: 2 minutes (n = 134). CONCLUSION: A mobileweb-based survey is a convenient and reliable tool for documenting ACS fellow clinical activity and was effectively used by all ACS faculty to record supervision. A combination of clinical and objective data is useful to determine ACS fellows' performance and to provide targeted education and remediation. Copyright (c) 2022 American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
acute care surgery,mobile online platform,documentation,supervision
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