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Whole F9 Gene Sequencing Identified Deep Intronic Variations in Genetically Unresolved Hemophilia B Patients

Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis(2023)SCI 2区

Hosp Civils Lyon | Hemostase Clin CRC Hemophilie | CHU Lille | Timone Childrens Hosp

Cited 4|Views25
Background The disease-causative variant remains unidentified in approximately 0.5% to 2% of hemophilia B patients using conventional genetic investigations, and F9 deep intronic variations could be responsible for these phenotypes. Objectives This study aimed to characterize deep intronic variants in hemophilia B patients for whom genetic investigations failed. Methods We performed whole F9 sequencing in 17 genetically unsolved hemophilia B patients. The pathogenic impact of the candidate variants identified was studied using both in silico analysis (MaxEntScan and spliceAI) and minigene assay. Results In total, 9 candidate variants were identified in 15 patients; 7 were deep intronic substitutions and 2 corresponded to insertions of mobile elements. The most frequent variants found were c.278-1806A>C and the association of c.278-1244A>G and c.392-864T>G, identified in 4 and 6 unrelated individuals, respectively. In silico analysis predicted splicing impact for 4 substitutions (c.278-1806A>C, c.392-864T>G, c.724-2385G>T, c.723+4297T>A). Minigene assay showed a deleterious splicing impact for these 4 substitutions and also for the c.278-1786_278-1785insLINE. In the end, 5 variants were classified as likely pathogenic using the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics guidelines, and 4 as of unknown significance. Thus, the hemophilia B-causing variant was identified in 13/17 (76%) families. Conclusion We elucidated the causing defect in three-quarters of the families included in this study, and we reported new F9 deep intronic variants that can cause hemophilia B.
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Key words
factor IX,hemophilia B,intron,LINE,mutation,pseudogene
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方法】:采用全长F9基因测序,结合in silico分析和minigene实验来评估候选变异的致病性。

实验】:在17名患者中,通过全长F9基因测序发现了9个候选变异,其中7个为深层内含子替换,2个为移动元件插入。利用MaxEntScan和spliceAI软件进行in silico分析,并通过minigene实验验证了这些变异对剪接的影响。根据美国医学遗传学和基因组学学院指南,5个变异被归类为可能的致病性变异,4个为未知意义变异,最终在13/17(76%)的家庭中鉴定出血友病B的致病变异。