
SmallRhex: A Fast and Highly-Mobile Hexapod Robot

Wenhui Wang,Wujie Shi, Zerui Li, Weiheng Zhuang,Zheng Zhu,Zhenzhong Jia

2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)(2022)

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Relying on the unique C-leg structure, RHex robots have good mobility and traffic ability when having relatively simple structures. Based on the existing RHex robots, taking into account the performance and cost, this design develops a small hexapod robot, named smallRhex, with low cost but strong performance. This paper mainly introduces the mechanical structure, robot gaits, simulation, and physical performance tests of smallRhex robots. The hardware is mainly based on the raspberry pie microcomputer and Robomaster motor and accessories. The high power density meets the dual requirements of performance and cost. Then cooperates with 3D printing and sheet metal and machined parts processing to complete the design of the mechanical structure and assembly of the robot. At the control level, raspberry pie directly controls the movement of 6 motors. The gait design includes basic motion gait, which includes straight walking and turning, and other gaits of complex motion: stair climbing, jumping, and high obstacle climbing. They are simulated in Webots. Finally, the performance test and the gait test of the robot are carried out. Then the gait design is further optimized, and the basic design of smallRhex robot is completed.
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