Influence of Seed Co-Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium Species and Azospirillum Brasilense on Soybean Development in Southern and Southeastern Brazil

Lucca Braccini Alessandro, Vinícius Ribas Milléo Marcos, Alleoni Bernardo,Berbel Lirio Rondina Artur,Paulitsch Fabiane, Muller Martins Luciane, Gravina Fernanda, Hanai Yoshida Tárik, Tavares Ávila Vinícius, M. Rampazzo Schena de Figueiredo Fernanda, Almeida Raul

African journal of agricultural research(2023)

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Bioinoculants are widely used in Brazil, based on efficient and low-cost.This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of co-inoculation with Bradyrhizobium species and Azospirillum brasilense in soybean seeds.Field trials were established in four regions of Brazil using a randomized block design with 8 treatments and 4 replications as follows: T1 -Control, T2 -200 kg ha -1 N, T3 -Bradyrhizobium spp.peat;T4 -Bradyrhizobium spp.-liquid, T5 -A.brasilense, T6 -Standard co-inoculation Bradyrhizobium spp.+ A. brasilense, T7 -Co-inoculation ratios: 1:1 Bradyrhizobium ssp.GRAP NOD L ® + A. brasilense GRAP NOD AL ® , T8 -Co-inoculation ratios: 1:1.5 Bradyrhizobium ssp.GRAP NOD L ® + A. brasilense GRAP NOD AL ® .The study results demonstrated the influence of co-inoculation 1:1.5, providing increments in shoots and root dry mass, nodules number and dry mass, pods number per plant, and yield when compared with the control and conventional N fertilization.The co-inoculation in the ratios 1:1 and 1:1.5, positively influenced the soybean development.These results confirmed that potential of the co-inoculation in incrementing soybean yield, which justify the recommendation of these treatments to reduce mineral N fertilization, improving good agronomic practices.
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