Virulence, Antibiotic Resistance, and Phylogenetic Relationships of Aeromonas spp. Carried by Migratory Birds in China.


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This study aimed to evaluate antimicrobial resistance, virulence, and the genetic diversity of isolated from migratory birds from Guangxi Province, Guangdong Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Jiangxi Province, and Inner Mongolia in China. A total of 810 samples were collected, including fresh feces, cloacal swabs, and throat swabs. The collected samples were processed and subjected to bacteriological examination. The resistance to 21 antibiotics was evaluated. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using concatenated ----- sequences. Eight putative virulence factors were identified by PCR and sequencing, and a biofilm formation assay was performed using a modified microtiter plate method. In total, 176 isolates were isolated including , , , and . All isolates showed variable resistance against all 16 tested antibiotic discs, and only one antibiotic had no reference standard. Six kinds of virulence gene markers were discovered, and the detection rates were 46.0% (), 76.1% (), 52.3% (), 4.5% (), 54.0% (), and 64.2% (). These strains were able to form biofilms with distinct magnitudes; 102 were weakly adherent, 14 were moderately adherent, 60 were non-adherent, and none were strongly adherent. Our results suggest that migratory birds carry highly virulent and multidrug-resistant and spread them around the world through migration, which is a potential threat to public health.
Aeromonas spp.,antibiotic resistance,biofilm,migratory bird,phylogenetic tree,virulence genes
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