
Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and retinal vein occlusion: The Valdecilla Cohort.

Revista clinica espanola(2023)

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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES:Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) are associated with vascular risk factors (VRF) and aging. The aim of this study is to analyze differences in the prevalence of VRF, vascular events, glaucoma, and anticoagulant treatment in patients with NVAF and RVO compared to a control group of the general population from the same geographic area. METHODS:This is a prospective, single-center, case-control study. All patients diagnosed with RVO from December 2008 to March 2020 as well as a control group were included. Clinical, laboratory, electrocardiographic, and carotid ultrasound variables were analyzed. RESULTS:A total of 386 patients with RVO and 343 controls were studied. Patients with RVO and NVAF were older and more of them had hypertension, a history of vascular events, and carotid atheromatosis than subjects with RVO without NVAF. In patients with NVAF who were on anticoagulants, those who had RVO differed from the controls with NVAF in that they had a higher prevalence of glaucoma (32 vs. 5.3%; p<0.034), with no significant differences regarding age, VRF, vascular events, or type of anticoagulant therapy (acenocumarol or direct-acting oral anticoagulants). CONCLUSIONS:Patients with RVO and NVAF were older and had a higher prevalence of hypertension and carotid atheromatosis than subjects with RVO without NVAF. Patients with NVAF and RVO had higher prevalence of glaucoma than subjects with NVAF without RVO. In patients with NVAF, it is recommended to optimized VRF treatment and glaucoma control to prevent the development of RVO.
retinal vein occlusion,nonvalvular atrial fibrillation,atrial fibrillation,valdecilla cohort
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