
Soilless cultivation in Lettuce: A Review

Vishal Tripathi,Daksh Arora, Vishal Ahlawat, Poluka Lahari, Arun Kumar, Amrita Kumar

Ecology, Environment and Conservation(2022)

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Several studies have revealed that in the near future, the problem of feeding the increased population will skyrocket due to the rapidly rising population. Conventional methods of food production will not be sufficient for huge amounts of food requirement, as it has several constraints such as non-uniform distribution of mineral rich farmland and water resources, moreover continuous use of fertile farmland has also aided in reduced productivity. Although current food production is sufficient but still it is not wisely distributed as an urban area is still depend upon rural areas for their food demands, Soil less cultivation is one such way in which we can produce food in urban areas and by using resources wisely and efficiently. This review paper will discuss the potential of lettuce grown through different soil less media and some major varieties of lettuce. This paper will provide an overview of some important hydroponics systems their working and their suitability for lettuce production and will also discuss some characteristics of lettuce that is grown hydroponically focussing mainly on observable characteristics. Moreover, it will highlight the effects of different soilless media on growth of lettuce and will also provide a brief description on the effect of different combinations of coloured lights on growth of lettuce. As hydroponics is energy efficient it has sustainable goal of ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ i.e., goal number twelfth, further as it gives higher production it also helps in meeting the requirement of second goal of sustainable development i.e., ‘Zero Hunger’
soilless cultivation,lettuce
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