
Federal Network of Psychological Services of Educational Institutions of Higher Education: Concept, Priorities and Development Resources

Психологическая наука и образование Psychological Science and Education(2022)

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The concept of the development of psychological support for higher educa-tion is revealed. Scientific arguments in favor of a federal network model for organizing qualified psychological assistance to students and teaching staff of universities are presented. The results of the population study conducted by the Russian Academy of Education with the participation of 21,943 first -year students from 22 Russian universities are reported. These results indicate a moderate degree of severity of emotional states of increased excitability, personal anxiety and a tendency to depressive manifestations among stu-dents. The priority areas of work on the development of the federal network of psychological services of universities are presented. The implementation of these areas is designed to systematically address the issues of accessibility of psychological assistance for students and teaching staff of each university, the high quality and completeness of the spectrum of such assistance. It is re-ported that with a network organization with a coordinating resource center, the psychological support of higher education will be characterized by the unity of the federal space for solving the problems of emergency professional response in providing psychological assistance to students and teaching staff.
federal network of psychological services of universities,higher education,mental health service,educational psychological services,student counseling centers,psychological well-being,positive socialization,Russian students,individual differences,researchers and teaching staff
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