
Diagnostic Value of Curved Planar Reformation of MRI for Lumbosacral Nerve Roots in the Localization of Nerve Roots for Adult Lumbar Degenerative Scoliosis.

Xiao Yang, Ning Wang,Haichang Xing,Dongjin Wu, Bin Zhang,Hang Du,Chunzheng Gao,Aihua Hao

European spine journal(2023)

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PURPOSE:To compare the diagnostic value of curved planar reformation of MRI (MRI-CPR) and 2D MRI in determining the responsible nerve in patients with adult lumbar degenerative scoliosis (ALDS).METHOD:A total of 45 patients diagnosed with ALDS were included in the study. All patients underwent MRI-CPR and 2D MRI and subsequently received surgery. These two diagnostic methods were compared with the results of surgical exploration to assess nerve root compression.RESULTS:The sensitivity and accuracy of MRI-CPR are higher than 2D MRI (93.8% vs 80.0%; 92.8% vs 77.7%, respectively). And the specificity of MRI-CPR is higher than 2D MRI (87.5% vs 68.8%). Besides, the PPV and NPV of MRI-CPR are higher than 2D MRI (96.8% vs 91.2%; 7.8.% vs 45.8%). The area (AUC) under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) for MRI-CPR and 2D MRI was 0.74 and 0.91, respectively. The judgement was made by two independent radiologists, while the consistency tests for 2D MRI and MRI-CPR with Kappa values were 90.6% and 82.2%, respectively.CONCLUSIONS:The clinical diagnostic value of MRI-CPR was better than 2D MRI in the determination of the responsible nerve root. Moreover, MRI-CPR sequence images can clearly show the route of lumbosacral nerve roots and their relationship with adjacent tissues. Therefore, MRI-CPR can be an important complement to conventional 2D MRI in the diagnosis of responsible nerve roots in patients with ALDS.
Adult lumbar degenerative scoliosis (ALDS),Curved planar reformation of MRI (MRI-CPR),Lumbosacral never root compression,Location,Diagnosis
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