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Gut Enterobacteriaceae and uraemic toxins- Perpetrators for ageing

Experimental gerontology(2023)

Cited 3|Views9
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Ageing is a complex process that is associated with changes in the composition and functions of gut microbiota. Reduction of gut commensals is the hallmarks of ageing, which favours the expansion of pathogens even in healthy centenarians. Interestingly, gut Enterobacteriaceae have been found to be increased with age and also consistently observed in the patients with metabolic diseases. Thus, they are associated with all-cause mortality, regardless of genetic origin, lifestyle, and fatality rate. Moreover, Enterobacteriaceae are also implicated in accelerating the ageing process through telomere attrition, cellular senescence, inflammasome activation and impairing the functions of mitochondria. However, acceleration of ageing is likely to be determined by intrinsic interactions between Enterobacteriaceae and other associated gut bacteria. Several studies suggested that Enterobacteriaceae possess genes for the synthesis of uraemic toxins. In addition to intestine, Enterobacteriaceae and their toxic metabolites have also been found in other organs, such as adipose tissue and liver and that are implicated in multiorgan dysfunction and age-related diseases. Therefore, targeting Enterobacteriaceae is a nuance approach for reducing inflammaging and enhancing the longevity of older people. This review is intended to highlight the current knowledge of Enterobacteriaceae-mediated acceleration of ageing process.
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Key words
Gut dysbiosis,Enterobacteriaceae,Inflammaging,Metabolic diseases,Uraemic toxins
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