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Current Situation and Future Directions of Lung Cancer Risk Factor Awareness in Palestine: a Cross-Sectional Study

BMJ open(2023)SCI 4区SCI 3区

Minist Hlth | Al Quds Univ | Islamic Univ Gaza | Al Makassed Hosp | Int Med Corps | Al Azhar Univ Gaza | Annajah Natl Univ

Cited 10|Views2
Objectives To evaluate lung cancer (LC) risk factor awareness among Palestinians and identify factors associated with good awareness.Design Cross-sectional study.Settings Participants were recruited using convenience sampling from hospitals, primary healthcare centres (PHCs) and public spaces located at 11 governorates in Palestine.Participants Of 5174 approached, 4817 participants completed the questionnaire (response rate=93.1%). A total of 4762 questionnaires were included: 2742 from the West Bank and Jerusalem (WBJ) and 2020 from the Gaza Strip. Exclusion criteria were working or studying in a health-related field, having a nationality other than Palestinian and visiting oncology departments or clinics at the time of data collection.Tool A modified version of the validated LC Awareness Measure was used for data collection.Primary and secondary outcomes The primary outcome was LC risk factor awareness level as determined by the number of factors recognised: poor (0–3), fair (4–7) and good (8–10). Secondary outcomes include the recognition of each LC risk factor.Results Smoking-related risk factors were more often recognised than other LC risk factors. The most recognised risk factors were ‘smoking cigarettes’ (n=4466, 93.8%) and ‘smoking shisha (waterpipes)’ (n=4337, 91.1%). The least recognised risk factors were ‘having a close relative with LC’ (n=2084, 43.8%) and ‘having had treatment for any cancer in the past’ (n=2368, 49.7%).A total of 2381 participants (50.0%) displayed good awareness of LC risk factors. Participants from the WBJ and the Gaza Strip had similar likelihood to display good awareness (50.6% vs 49.1%). Being≥45 years, having higher education and monthly income, knowing someone with cancer and visiting hospitals and PHCs seemed to have a positive impact on displaying good awareness.Conclusion Half of study participants displayed good awareness of LC risk factors. Educational interventions are warranted to further improve public awareness of LC risk factors, especially those unrelated to smoking.
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Key words
epidemiology,health policy,oncology,adult oncology,public health
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