The effects of seawater thermodynamic parameters on the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the tropical western Pacific Ocean.

Marine pollution bulletin(2023)

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The continuous expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) is a microcosm of marine hypoxia problem. Based on a survey in M4 seamount area of Tropical Western Pacific Ocean, the effects of thermodynamic parameters on OMZ were discussed. The study showed thermodynamic parameters mainly affect the upper oxycline of OMZ. The increase in temperature aggravates seawater stratification, which not only shallows oxycline but also increases the strength of DO stratification, promoting the expansion of OMZ. Based on relationships between thermodynamic parameters, water mass and DO, OMZ in this area is defined as follows: the water layer with low DO between the lower boundary of high-salt area and 1000 m. Moreover, the study showed that though there is no "seamount effect" on a scale of 3000 m, low-value areas of DO form at the bottom of seamount. This study will provide an evidence for expansion of OMZ exacerbated by global warming.
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