S118 the Impact of Frailty on Outcomes among Hospitalized Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis

˜The œAmerican journal of gastroenterology(2022)

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Introduction: The impact of frailty on patients with chronic pancreatitis has not been studied previously. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and impact of frailty on mortality, readmission rates, and healthcare utilization among hospitalized pancreatitis patients in the United States. Methods: A retrospective study using Database on with a validated The NPHL group had higher rate of malignancy (29/105; 28%) compared to those with AP (35/305; 11%, p , 0.0001). NPHL patients without malignancy had a higher mortality rate (63/80; 80%) compared to those without malignancy in the AP group (17/270; 6.3%, p , 0.0001). The most common malignancy in patients with AP was breast (6/35; 17%, vs. 3/29; 10%, p 5 0.4943). In NPHL, the most common malignancies were pancreatic (4/29; 14%, vs. 3/35; 9%, p 5 0.6920) and bowel malignancies (4/29; 14%, vs. 4/35, 11% p 5 1.0000). Conclusion: Patients withNPHL without malignancyhave higher mortalitythan thosewith pancreatitisdespite lower serum lipaselevels. A limitationof our study is thedi ff erence betweenage and BMIof AP versus NPHL patients. Whether this impacts the prognostic relevance of NPHL on survival need to be explored in future studies.
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