Drugs Territorialization in the Era of PNRR: Perspectives, Opportunities and Considerations from a Panel of Experts

Anna Maria Marata,Walter Marrocco,Emanuela Arcangeli, Mattia Battistini,Giuliano Buzzetti,Riccardo Candido, Gianluigi Casadei,Francesco Cattel,Arturo Cavaliere,Agostino Consoli,Giovanni Corrao, Guido Didoni, Mauro Di Gesu, Alberto Giovanzana, Matteo Lenzi,Massimo Medaglia, Marta Meloncelli,Stefano Palcic,Marcello Pani,Francesca Patarnello, Emanuele Pria,Dario Scaduto,Valeria Tozzi, Marco Zibellini,Elisa Crovato

Global & regional health technology assessment(2022)

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This document illustrates the results of the work of two interdisciplinary and multistakeholder panels (researchers, public institutions, and industry representatives) on drug territorialization and digitalization, organized as part of a residential seminar held on 30 September and 1st October 2021. Arising from some considerations about the demand for health and the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the discussion touched various aspects of managing the transition from current to future management models. The importance of identifying criteria for prioritizing interventions in the area emerged: different methods of drug delivery, scientific information and measurement, re-evaluation of pathologies that can be managed in this area. Finally, the role of digitization within this change was explored. The opinions provided by the experts move towards making the most of the opportunities arising from PNRR, in terms of investments in healthcare and data application, with a view to improve health system efficiency, patient care and related outcomes.
Drug territorialization,Panel of experts,PNRR
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