
Effect of a training program of the SOFIT evaluation system on Physical Activity and Sports students on the intensity and context of the Physical Education class


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The main objective of the research was to evaluate the intensity and context of the Physical Education (PE) class before and after of a training for Physical Activity and Sports students. For this, a quasi-experimental pre-post design with a single group was used. The subjects participating in the training were 64 Physical Activity and Sports student, of the School of Sports of the Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico), who were studying the subject of Physical Education Evaluation. These students were asked to design and apply three classes of PE before training and three classes of PE after training, performing the diagnostic and summative evaluation respectively. To make this comparison, a training course was designed whose contents were focused on the objective, validation, description and methodological registration system of the SOFIT system. The results showed the improvement of teachers after the completion of the course, since the intensity of physical activity in their classes increased, so did the index of moderate to vigorous physical activity of their students, which went from 37.3 % in the pretest to 70.4% in the posttest. With respect to the context, the time taken to manage and organize the activities was reduced, taking advantage of class time for physical conditioning, skills development and games. It is concluded that the course and the use of SOFIT helped students maximize the use of the PE class time.
enseñanza y formación,enseñanza superior,intervención,tiempo de compromiso motor
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