Zn and Se abrogate heavy metal mixture induced ovarian and thyroid oxido-inflammatory effects mediated by activation of NRF2-HMOX-1 in female albino rats

Current Research in Toxicology(2023)

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•Ovarian and Thyroidal Pb, Al, Hg and Mn levels after HMM exposure were reduced by Zn and Se.•Elevated Ovarian and Thyroidal IL-6, TNF, NF-κB, MDA and NO and Cas-3 after HMM exposure were reduced by Zn and Se.•Decrease in Ovarian and Thyroidal antioxidants and histopathological alterations after HMM exposure were reversed by Zn and Se.
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Heavy metal mixture,Essential trace elements,Oxido-inflammatory effects,Ovary,Thyroid gland
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