
Predictors of Quality of Life in Older Adult Patients in Lebanon: a Cross Sectional Study

Annals of palliative medicine(2023)

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BACKGROUND:The older adult population in Lebanon is anticipated to double by year 2030. The health care resources available for the geriatric population is limited and there is much reliance on the social support of family caregivers. Older adults have double the rate of hospital utilization in comparison to the regular Lebanese population where 4.5% are hospitalized more than once per year. This study aims to describe self-reported quality of life (QoL) among hospitalized patients "with palliative care needs" and investigate the relationship with its four health domains.METHODS:An observational survey design with a convenience sample of 203 hospitalized patients with palliative care needs above 65 years of age were recruited from three hospitals. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to describe and determine the association between health domains and QoL.RESULTS:Mean age of participants was 78.5 years with the majority being male and married. Participants reported low overall QoL with a mean score of 35.43 (SD =23.45). Anxiety and depression were common findings. "Worrying" (83%), "Feeling nervous" (80%), "Feeling sad" (76%) were dominant psychological symptoms. Low scores were also observed for physical, role and social functioning. Participants suffered from lack of energy (94%), pain (72%), difficulty sleeping (73%) and shortness of breath (64%).CONCLUSIONS:The findings suggest that QoL in the aging Lebanese population is burdened with physical and psychological symptoms. A comprehensive approach that attends to the psychosocial as well as the physical problems in older adults with early integration of symptom management and palliation could improve QoL.
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