Use of Artificial Sweeteners and Caffeine in a Population of Hanoi: an Assessment by Wastewater-Based Epidemiology.

Social Science Research Network(2022)

引用 3|浏览22
Monitoring the consumption of artificial sweeteners in the population is essential to help public health authorities understand the level of sugar consumption. There is a gap in knowledge of patterns and levels of artificial sweetener consumption in Vietnam. Using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), this study aims to evaluate the use of artificial sweeteners in an urban population in Hanoi, Vietnam. A total of 184 wastewater samples were collected at two sampling sites in an urban canal, receiving sewage from over 400,000 people in three different periods between 2018 and 2020. The population normalized per capita consumption of the five detected artificial sweeteners varied from 0.87 mg d-1 p-1 (sucralose) to 5.2 mg d-1 p-1 (aspartame). The daily consumption of artificial sweeteners was found to be stable throughout the week, however the consumption of artificial sweeteners was influenced by season with higher consumption in summer. Significant correlations (p < 0.01) were found among levels of artificial sweeteners and caffeine in urban canal samples, suggesting these chemicals had common sources. Population-weighted consumption load of artificial sweeteners and caffeine was compared in Vietnam, China and Australia, and the per capita consumption load mainly depended on the habitual of tea/coffee drinking in different countries. This was the first study that provided information on the artificial sweetener consumption by wastewater analysis in Vietnam. However, several sources of uncertainty (sample collection, population estimation, other sources of artificial sweeteners in wastewater, etc.) were acknowledged in this study. Further investigations on the spatial-temporal variation of artificial sweetener consumption with more intensive sampling scheme in Vietnam are recommended.
Artificial sweetener,Caffeine,Wastewater-based epidemiology,Urban canal,Vietnam
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