Multi-parametric Analysis of the CVD of CNTs: Effect of Reaction Temperature, Pressure and Acetylene Flow Rate

Chemical engineering science(2023)

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The effect of process parameters (temperature, pressure and acetylene flow) during the chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the final product are computationally investigated after having established a mechanism for the deposition of CNTs. The results are consistent with experimental mea-surements for the same process. It is found that temperature, pressure and acetylene flow rate affect the mechanisms that limit the catalyst deactivation and thus, the CNT growth. The combined effect of tem-perature with pressure and acetylene flow rate is investigated mechanistically, by identifying the mech-anisms responsible for the effect of process parameters, for the first time. The influence of these key -parameters on the deposition uniformity along the wafer area is also investigated. The study findings illustrate the importance of carefully adjusting the process parameters during the process engineering for the CVD of CNTs which can in turn result in a knowledge-based redesign or scale-up of the process.(c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CVD of CNTs,Temperature,Deposition uniformity,Pressure,Acetylene flow,Parametric analysis
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