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First Order Rate Law Analysis for Reset State in Vanadium Oxide Thin Film Resistive Random Access Memory Devices.

Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

Cited 4|Views8
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In the reset state, the decay reaction mechanism and bipolar switching properties of vanadium oxide thin film RRAM devices for LRS/HRS are investigated and discussed here. To discover the properties of switching curves, the first order rate law behaviors of the reset state between the resistant variety properties and the reaction time were observed. To verify the decay reaction mechanism in the reset state, vanadium oxide thin films from RRAM devices were measured by different constant voltage sampling and exhibited the same decay reaction rate constant. Finally, the electrical conduction transfer mechanism and metallic filament forming model described by switching properties of the RRAM devices were proven and investigated.
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Key words
RRAM,decay,reaction rate constant,vanadium oxide
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