The Antinociceptive Effect of Magnesium Sulphate Administered in the Epidural Space in Standing Horses

Journal of equine veterinary science(2023)

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To study the antinociceptive properties of epidural magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) in standing horses Ex-perimental, placebo-controlled, masked, cross-over A group of six healthy horses Through an epidural catheter, 1 mg kg-1 MgSO4 (treatment Mg) diluted to a volume of 15 mL or the same volume of saline (treatment S) was administered over 15 minutes. Electrical, thermal and mechanical nociceptive thresh-olds were determined on the pelvic limb before and 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 and 180 minutes after the start of the injection. Heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (fR) were recorded every 10 min-utes. Blood samples were collected before treatment and every 30 minutes throughout the study period. Data were assessed for normality using a Shapiro-Wilk test. A linear mixed model with horse as random effect and time, treatment and their interaction as fixed effects was used. Treatments were compared at 20, 60, 120 and 180 minutes using the Wilcoxon rank sum test stratified for horse (global alpha = 0.05, with Bonferroni correction alpha = 0.0125). Epidural MgSO4 caused a significant increase in the electrical thresh-old (mA) ( P = .0 0 01), but no significant differences in thermal and mechanical nociceptive thresholds. During the injection of MgSO4, two horses collapsed. One stood up within 20 minutes and was able to continue the study, the second one was excluded. A significant difference was found for HR at T180 (Mg 44 +/- 23 beats minute-1 ; S 32 +/- 9 beats minute-1 ) ( P = .0090). Epidural administration of MgSO4 caused an increase in the electrical threshold of the pelvic limbs of horses. Caution is warranted however, as with the current dose, 2 horses collapsed.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Electrical stimulus,Epidural,horse,Magnesium sulphate,Mechanical stimulus,Thermal stimulus
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