Metapath-aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction
Briefings Bioinform(2023)
Drug-target interaction (DTI) prediction is an essential step in drug repositioning. A few graph neural network (GNN)-based methods have been proposed for DTI prediction using heterogeneous biological data. However, existing GNN-based methods only aggregate information from directly connected nodes restricted in a drug -related or a target -related network and are incapable of capturing high -order dependencies in the biological heterogeneous graph. In this paper, we propose a metapath-aggregated heterogeneous graph neural network (MHGNN) to capture complex structures and rich semantics in the biological heterogeneous graph for DTI prediction. Specifically, MHGNN enhances heterogeneous graph structure learning and high -order semantics learning by modeling high -order relations via metapaths. Additionally, MHGNN enriches high -order correlations between drug -target pairs (DTPs) by constructing a DTP correlation graph with DTPs as nodes. We conduct extensive experiments on three biological heterogeneous datasets. MHGNN favorably surpasses 17 state-of-the-art methods over 6 evaluation metrics, which verifies its efficacy for DTI prediction. The code is available at LM/MHGNN- DTI.
Drug-target interaction prediction,heterogeneous graph,graph neural network,metapath
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