Method to Evaluate Off-State Breakdown in Scaled Tri-gate Technologies.

D. Nminibapiel, K. Joshi,R. Ramamurthy, L. Pantisano,I. Meric,S. Ramey

2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)(2022)

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The source-drain punch-through current in off-state TDDB stress (OSS) is shown to significantly affect off-state breakdown behavior. This paper introduces a modified methodology for conducting OSS in scaled tri-gate devices at accelerated conditions that avoids artifacts associated with punch-through while enabling reliability risk assessment. The methodology is validated for both NMOS & PMOS devices and provides consistent degradation mechanism. Finally, it is shown that on-state gate-oxide TDDB remains the reliability limiter compared to OSS TDDB.
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Key words
Off-state TDDB,Drain TDDB,Tri-gate
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