The Challenges of Evolving Technical Courses at Scale: Four Case Studies of Updating Large Data Science Courses.

Sam Lau, Justin Eldridge,Shannon Ellis, Aaron Fraenkel, Marina Langlois,Suraj Rampure, Janine Tiefenbruck,Philip J. Guo

ACM Conference on Learning Scale (LS)(2022)

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Instructors who teach large-scale technical courses, especially on data science and programming, must do a large amount of logistical work when updating their courses. All of this behind-the-scenes labor takes time away from the pedagogically-meaningful work of teaching students. Over the past five years, the authors of this paper have created and updated eight courses for an undergraduate data science program that serves over 2,000 students per year. We present four case studies from our teaching experiences that highlight major challenges in maintaining and updating technical courses: 1) There were intricate dependencies between course materials, so making updates to one part of the course would require updating many other parts. 2) We needed to maintain several variants of course materials such as assignments. 3) We wrote large amounts of ad-hoc custom software infrastructure to manage logistics. 4) We could not easily reuse software written by others. Our case studies point to design ideas for instructor-oriented tools that can reduce the logistical complexities of teaching at scale, thus letting instructors focus on the substance of teaching rather than on mundane logistics.
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