
Analysis of the Prevalence and Quantification of Viral Load of Different Human Papillomavirus Types in Turkish Women Population

Nilgun Tekkesın,Safak Goktas, Veysi Alkis,Senem Koc,Tugba Gurbuz, Pasa Goktas

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention(2022)

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BACKGROUND:Persistent infection with high-risk (HR) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) genotypes has been shown to play a significant role in the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and CC (cervical cancer). The present study aimed to determine the distribution and quantification of viral load of HPV genotypes in numerous genital samples obtained from women undergoing routine gynaecological care in different regions of Turkey.METHODS:HPV typing was done by HPV QUANT-21 Quantitative RT-PCR Kit®, which is intended for the specific identification and quantification of low-risk (HPV 6, 11, 44) and high-risk (HPV 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82) from female subjects in Turkey.RESULTS:From the total of 5975 samples, 2777 were positive for at least one HPV genotype, with an overall frequency of 46.4%. 1695 patients were positive for only one or more LR-HPV genotypes (61%) and 812 patients were positive for one or more HR-HPV genotypes (29%). The frequency of LR-HPV genotypes was 31.4%, while the frequency of HR-HPV genotypes was 118.8%. Our tecnology had a positive advantage to calculate the concentration of each genotypes. Although genotype 52 ranked fifth in frequency, it showed the highest mean concentration, with a value of 5.38 log (copies/sample).CONCLUSION:The presence and genotype of viruses before HPV vaccination have also gained importance. The data obtained would provide guidance for prevention strategies, mainly of vaccination. We decided to add a new estimate to the effectiveness of currently available HPV vaccines and the development of screening programs to prevent and decrease the incidence of CC in Turkey. Further studies would be planned to measure and define the high infection level that can lead to the development of cervical neoplasia. Using this tecnology could give us a clinical desicion to degree the cytological changes.
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