
Interactions Between Polycyclic Musks and Human Lactoferrin: Multi‐spectroscopic Methods and Docking Simulation

JMR Journal of molecular recognition/Journal of molecular recognition(2023)

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Galaxolide (1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-γ-2-benzopyrane; HHCB) and Tonalide (7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene; AHTN) are "pseudo-persistent" pollutants that can cause DNA damage, endocrine disruption, organ toxicity, and reproductive toxicity in humans. HHCB and AHTN are readily enriched in breast milk, so exposure of infants to HHCB and AHTN is of concern. Here, the molecular mechanisms through which HHCB and AHTN interact with human lactoferrin (HLF) are investigated using computational simulations and spectroscopic methods to identify indirectly how HHCB and AHTN may harm infants. Molecular docking and kinetic simulation studies indicated that HHCB and AHTN can interact with and alter the secondary HLF structure. The fluorescence quenching of HLF by HHCB, AHTN was static with the forming of HLF-HHCB, HLF-AHTN complex, and accompanied by non-radiative energy transfer and that 1:1 complexes form through interaction forces. Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that binding to small molecules does not markedly change the HLF fluorescence lifetime. Three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that HHCB and AHTN alter the peptide chain backbone structure of HLF. Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, simultaneous fluorescence spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that HHCB and AHTN change the secondary HLF conformation. Antimicrobial activity experiments indicated that polycyclic musks decrease lactoferrin activity and interact with HLF. These results improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the toxicities of polycyclic musks bound to HLF at the molecular level and provide theoretical support for mother-and-child health risk assessments.
computational simulation,galaxolide,human lactoferrin,multi-spectroscopic methods,tonalide
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