
Aeromagnetic data of the Kela circumflex accent at M'Gouna inlier (Jbel Saghro, Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Geotectonic and mining implications


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The Kelaat M'Gouna inlier (KM'G) is located in the Eastern Anti-Atlas of Morocco, north of the West African Craton (WAC). It offers outcrops of great lithological diversity and has a polycyclic tectonic history. Its bedrock bears traces of the Pan-African orogeny, and its Adoudou-Cambrian cover was affected by the Hercynian orogeny. Therefore, the KM'G inlier is a privileged geological region for a geo-structural study to evaluate its mining potential. In this study, high-resolution aeromagnetic and surface geological data were used to map the structural architecture of the inlier and determine its relationship to the spatial distribution of mineral deposits and showings. Several filters and operators such as Reduction to Pole (RTP), Upward Continuation (UC), Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET) and Tilt Derivative (TDR) were applied to the aeromagnetic data to reveal important magnetic signatures such as magnetic lineaments/domains in the study area. The TDR and UC sub-divided the area into two magnetic morpho-structural domains: to the north, a domain dominated by negative anomalies (labeled NMA1, NMA2 and NMA3), which coincide with the Sidi Flah fault and the Azlag and Ibantarn granites; to the south, a domain dominated by positive anomalies (labeled PMA4 and PMA6) which are deeply rooted. CET and TDR have been applied to map structural complexity and depth estimation. Four main magnetic lineament trends were deduced (NE-SW, Sub E-W, NW-SE, and Sub N-S) with variable depths ranging from 45 to 2120 m. A thorough structural scheme was developed based on the CET and TDR outputs and surface geological data. This scheme shows that the main deposits and mineral occurrences are known from the KM'G geological map are in areas with high magnetic lineament density values. Thus, several potential mineralization zones in the study area have been delineated. These results should guide the exploration of possible metal deposits in the KM'G inlier.
Aeromagnetic, Surface geology, Structural study, Mining exploration, KM?G inlier, Jbel Saghro, Eastern anti atlas, Morocco
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