
Artificial perches for birds in deforested areas favour a seed rain similar to woodland remnants


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The lack of seeds represents one of the highest difficulties to overcome for the ecological restoration of areas that have been deforested. This study evaluates the effectiveness of artificial perches in increasing the abundance and species richness of bird-dispersed seeds and the similarity of seed rain composition of deforested areas with and without artificial perches in relation to woodland remnants that serve as seeds source. We also tested for differences in seed abundance and species richness with different origins (native or non-native) as well as different type of habits (woody and non-woody). The experiment took place in two sites of the Espinal ecoregion, Argentina. We found that in deforested areas, perches increased seed abundance and species richness in the seed rain in comparison with deforested areas without artificial perches. The species composition under artificial perches was similar to the seed rain dispersed in the woodland. However, there was a decrease in the abundance and richness of native species under artificial perches, probably due to behavioral differences between opportunistic and obligate frugivorous. Seed of trees and shrubs species that can act as natural perches and nurses were well represented in the seed rain under artificial perches. We recommend using artificial perches in deforested areas with potential for recovery because it is an efficient technique to promote the entry of birds and increase seed rain, preserving features of the original environment. In places where native and non-native species show different fructification peaks, artificial perches could be used in certain periods of the year.
Deforestation,Seed dispersal,Fleshy fruits,Birds,Perches,Non-native species,Active restoration
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