
The Impact of Outgassing on the Nano-Oxides Kinetics of Ferritic Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel

Materials today communications(2022)

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Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels are candidates materials to be used in nuclear fusion and 4th generation fission power plants. They are processed by powder metallurgy, following a Mechanical Alloying (MA) where Fe-Cr powder is mixed with 0.3 %wt Y2O3 and 0.3 %wt TiH2 powders resulting in an as-MA powder where Y, Ti and O are dissolved into the Fe-Cr matrix. The as-MA powder is then consolidated at 1100 degrees C by Hot Extrusion (HE) or Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), where the Y-Ti-O nano-oxide precipitation occurs. In this study, two grades of ODS steels are studied: a Fe-14Cr ferritic ODS, with higher corrosion resistance but non-isotropic mechanical properties when processed by HE; and a Fe-9Cr Ferritic / Martensitic (F/M) ODS, which exhibits a matrix alpha -> gamma phase transformation around 950 degrees C resulting in a more isotropic microstructure (and then mechanical properties) after HE but a lower corrosion resistance. This work demonstrates the influence of the phase transformation of the F/M ODS steels on the precipitation kinetics, showing an increase of the nano-oxides growth rate after the alpha -> gamma matrix transformation, resulting in a nano-oxide size two times bigger than ferritic ODS steels, thanks to in-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) measurements up to 1100 degrees C. Very small clusters (similar to 1 nm size) containing at least Y and O had been observed at the as-MA stage of both ODS grades. The comparison between SAXS and Atom Probe Tomography (APT) data allows to determine that the nano-oxides stoichiometry and structure stabilize at roughly similar to 1000 degrees C, for both alloys.
Oxide Disperssion Strenghened (ODS) steel,Precipitation,Small Angle XRay Scattering (SAXS),Atom Probe Tomography (APT),In-situ,Outgassing
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