COVID-19 Caregiving Strategies, Quality of Life, and Stress Among Faith Community Nurses and Faith Leaders in Appalachia.

Journal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship(2023)

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Faith community nurses (FCNs), pastors, and priests faced many challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, serving as frontline sources of support for congregants. The aim of this study was to identify the most common care strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic and examine professional quality of life, perceived stress, and associated factors in faith leaders and FCNs in rural Appalachia. Using a cross-sectional, descriptive survey design, high compassion satisfaction was reported along with compassion fatigue as caregiving moved to virtual platforms, suggesting the need for greater support.
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Appalachia,burnout,compassion satisfaction,COVID-19,faith community nurses,nursing,Perceived Stress Scale,Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)
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