Multiple paths towards repeated phenotypic evolution in the spiny-leg adaptive radiation (Tetragnatha; Hawaii)


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The repeated evolution of phenotypes is ubiquitous in nature and offers some of the clearest evidence of the role of natural selection in evolution. The genomic basis of repeated phenotypic evolution is often complex and can arise from a combination of gene flow, shared ancestral polymorphism and de novo mutation. Here, we investigate the genomic basis of repeated ecomorph evolution in the adaptive radiation of the Hawaiian spiny-leg Tetragnatha . This radiation comprises four ecomorphs that are microhabitat-specialists, and differ in body pigmentation and size (Green, Large Brown, Maroon, and Small Brown). Using 76 newly generated low-coverage, whole-genome resequencing samples, coupled with population genomic and phylogenomic tools, we studied the evolutionary history of the radiation to understand the evolution of the spiny-leg lineage and the genetic underpinnings of ecomorph evolution. Congruent with previous works, we find that each ecomorph has evolved twice, with the exception of the Small Brown ecomorph, which has evolved three times. The evolution of the Maroon and the Small Brown ecomorphs likely involved ancestral hybridization events, whereas the Green and the Large Brown ecomorphs likely evolved because of either standing genetic variation or de novo mutation. Pairwise comparisons of ecomorphs based on the fixation index (FST) show that divergent genomic regions include genes with functions associated with pigmentation (melanization), learning, neuronal and synapse activity, and circadian rhythms. These results show that the repeated evolution of ecomorphs in the Hawaiian spiny-leg Tetragnatha is linked to multiple genomic regions and suggests a previously unknown role of learning and circadian rhythms in ecomorph. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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