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Highly Significant Detection of X-Ray Polarization from the Brightest Accreting Neutron Star Sco X-1

The Astrophysical Journal Letters(2024)

INAF Ist Astrofis & Planetol Spaziali | Univ Turku | INAF | Univ Roma Tre | Guangxi Univ | Chinese Acad Sci | Univ Roma Tor Vergata | Washington Univ | Univ Milan | NASA | Univ Coll London | Inst Astrofis Andalucia CSIC | Ist Nazl Fis Nucl | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | Univ Space Res Assoc | Stanford Univ | Univ Tubingen | Czech Acad Sci | RIKEN | Yamagata Univ | Univ British Columbia | Chiba Univ | Boston Univ | Univ New Hampshire | Univ Strasbourg | MIT | Nagoya Univ | Hiroshima Univ | Louisiana State Univ | Univ Hong Kong | Penn State Univ | Univ Grenoble Alpes | Harvard & Smithsonian | Univ Padua | Univ Amsterdam

Cited 5|Views109
The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer measured with high significance the X-ray polarization of the brightest Z-source, Sco X-1, resulting in the nominal 2–8 keV energy band in a polarization degree of 1.0% ± 0.2% and a polarization angle of 8° ± 6° at a 90% confidence level. This observation was strictly simultaneous with observations performed by NICER, NuSTAR, and Insight-HXMT, which allowed for a precise characterization of its broadband spectrum from soft to hard X-rays. The source has been observed mainly in its soft state, with short periods of flaring. We also observed low-frequency quasiperiodic oscillations. From a spectropolarimetric analysis, we associate a polarization to the accretion disk at <3.2% at 90% confidence level, compatible with expectations for an electron scattering dominated optically thick atmosphere at the Sco X-1 inclination of ∼44°; for the higher-energy Comptonized component, we obtain a polarization of 1.3% ± 0.4%, in agreement with expectations for a slab of Thomson optical depth of ∼7 and an electron temperature of ∼3 keV. A polarization rotation with respect to previous observations by OSO-8 and PolarLight, and also with respect to the radio-jet position angle, is observed. This result may indicate a variation of the polarization with the source state that can be related to relativistic precession or a change in the corona geometry with the accretion flow.
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Key words
Polarimetry,Spectropolarimetry,Neutron stars,Accretion,Stellar accretion disks,Low-mass x-ray binary stars
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要点】:该论文通过Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)精确测量了Z源中最亮的天体Sco X-1在2-8 keV能段内的X射线偏振度为1.0% ± 0.2%和偏振角为8° ± 6°,与之前的观测结果相比,发现了偏振旋转现象,这可能是由相对论性进动或冕几何随吸积流的改变而引起的。

方法】:使用Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)进行了高显著性的偏振测量。

实验】:Sco X-1源主要在软状态观测,有短暂的激发现象,并观察到低频准周期振荡。通过光谱偏振分析,将小于3.2%的偏振度与吸积盘关联,与电子散射占主导的厚光学大气层相符;对于更高能级的康普顿化组分,偏振度为1.3% ± 0.4%,与一个 Thomson光学深度约为7的板层和电子温度约为3 keV的预期一致。与之前的OSO-8和PolarLight观测以及射电喷流位置角相比,观察到了偏振旋转。