Electrostatic powder spreading for metal powder bed fusion applications

Additive manufacturing(2023)

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Typical powder bed fusion processes spread each layer of powder by pushing it across the build area with a spreader bar or roller. While simple, these methods require good flowing powder and do not have the ability to place more than one powder type per layer. This naturally limits the ability to incorporate more than one ma-terial onto each powder layer in powder bed additive manufacturing processes. Here we demonstrate electro-static powder spreading, a method to deposit a powder layer without mechanical contact with the previous layers. Electrostatic powder spreading (ESPS) uses an electric field formed between a powder container and a counter electrode to move powder particles from the container to the powder bed. We show that the rate at which powder is deposited can be controlled by adjusting the strength of the electric field. Correspondingly, the deposited layer thickness is controlled by the strength of the electric field and the recoating speed. To demon-strate the feasibility of ESPS for laser powder bed fusion powder spreading, nearly fully dense (> 99.8%) coupons were built in a commercial L-PBF machine using the ESPS setup. Finally, we achieve 2D patterning of a single layer by using an array of electrodes and switching the applied electric field on and off. ESPS represents a method to produce an arbitrary patterned multi-material powder bed without complicated powder removal steps and easy implementation into existing L-PBF machines. Furthermore, ESPS presents an opportunity to build parts with 3D gradients in material properties.
Multi -material laser powder bed fusion,Electrostatics,Functionally graded materials,Gradient control,Powder spreading
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