
Secured Cyber-Attack Signatures Distribution using Blockchain Technology

2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC)(2019)

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The proliferation of cloud database has increased its vulnerability to cyberattacks. Despite several proposed methods of securing databases, malicious intruders find ways to exploit their vulnerabilities and gain access to data. This is because cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. As a result, it is becoming very difficult for a single or isolated intrusion detection system (IDS) node to detect all attacks. With the adoption of cooperative intrusion detection system, all attacks can be detected by an IDS node with the help of other IDS nodes. In cooperative intrusion detection, IDS nodes exchange attack signatures with the view of promptly detecting any attack that has been detected by other IDS. Therefore, the security of the database that houses these shared attack signatures becomes a huge problem. More specifically, detecting and/or preventing malicious signature injection, manipulation or deletion becomes important. This paper proposed an architecture that securely stores and distribute these attack signatures in real time for the purpose of prompt detection. Our proposed architecture leverages the distributed ledger technology, data immutability and tamper-proof abilities of blockchain technology. The performance of our system was examined by using the latency of the blockchain network.
cooperative intrusion detection,cyber attack,signature,blockchain,latency
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