
Review of the Online Analyses of Multi-Messenger Alerts and Electromagnetic Transient Events with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope

A. Albert,S. Alves,M. Andre,M. Ardid,S. Ardid,J. -J. Aubert, J. Aublin,B. Baret,S. Basa,B. Belhorma, M. Bendahman,F. Benfenati,V. Bertin,S. Biagi,M. Bissinger,J. Boumaaza,M. Bouta,M. C. Bouwhuis,H. Branzas,R. Bruijn,J. Brunner,J. Busto,B. Caiffi,D. Calvo,S. Campion,A. Capone,L. Caramete,J. Carr,V. Carretero,S. Celli,M. Chabab,T. N. Chau,R. Cherkaoui El Moursli,T. Chiarusi, M. Circella,J. A. B. Coelho,A. Coleiro,R. Coniglione,P. Coyle,A. Creusot,A. F. Diaz,B. De Martino,C. Distefano,I. Di Palma,A. Domi,C. Donzaud,D. Dornic,D. Drouhin,T. Eberl,T. van Eeden,D. van Eijk,N. El Khayati,A. Enzenhoefer,M. Fasano,P. Fermani, G. Ferrara,F. Filippini,L. Fusco,S. Gagliardini,J. Garcia,P. Gay,N. Geisselbrecht,H. Glotin, R. Gozzini,R. Gracia Ruiz,K. Graf,C. Guidi,L. Haegel,S. Hallmann,H. van Haren,A. J. Heijboer,Y. Hello,J. J. Hernandez-Rey,J. Hoessl,J. Hofestaedt,F. Huang,G. Illuminati,C. W. James,B. Jisse-Jung,M. de Jong,P. de Jong,M. Kadler,O. Kalekin,U. Katz,A. Kouchner,I. Kreykenbohm,V. Kulikovskiy,R. Lahmann,M. Lamoureux,D. Lefevre,E. Leonora,G. Levi,S. Le Stum,D. Lopez-Coto,S. Loucatos,L. Maderer,J. Manczak,M. Marcelin,J. A. Martinez-Mora,K. Melis, P. Migliozzi,A. Moussa,R. Muller,L. Nauta,S. Navas,E. Nezri,B. O. Fearraigh,A. Paun,G. E. Pavalas,C. Pellegrino,M. Perrin-Terrin,V. Pestel,P. Piattelli,C. Pieterse, C. Poire,V. Popa,T. Pradier,N. Randazzo,D. Real,S. Reck,G. Riccobene,A. Romanov,A. Saina,A. Sanchez-Losa,F. Salesa Greus, D. F. E. Samtleben,M. Sanguineti,P. Sapienza,J. Schnabel,J. Schumann,J. Seneca,M. Spurio,Th. Stolarczyk,M. Taiuti,Y. Tayalati,S. J. Tingay,B. Vallage,V. Van Elewyck,F. Versari,S. Viola,D. Vivolo,J. Wilms,S. Zavatarelli,A. Zegarelli,J. D. Zornoza,J. Zuniga

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics(2023)

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By constantly monitoring at least one complete hemisphere of the sky,neutrino telescopes are well designed to detect neutrinos emitted by transientastrophysical events. Real-time searches with the ANTARES telescope have beenperformed to look for neutrino candidates coincident with gamma-ray burstsdetected by the Swift and Fermi satellites, highenergy neutrino eventsregistered by IceCube, transient events from blazars monitored by HAWC,photon-neutrino coincidences by AMON notices and gravitational wave candidatesobserved by LIGO/Virgo. By requiring temporal coincidence, this approachincreases the sensitivity and the significance of a potential discovery. Thanksto the good angular accuracy of neutrino candidates reconstructed with theANTARES telescope, a coincident detection can also improve the positioning areaof non-well localised triggers such as those detected by gravitational waveinterferometers. This paper summarises the results of the follow-up performedby the ANTARES telescope between 01/2014 and 02/2022, which corresponds to theend of the data taking period.
neutrino astronomy,neutrino detectors
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