An atmospheric surface layer study: The Idealized horizontal Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface Heterogeneity (IPAQS)


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<p>Numerical weather prediction models rely heavily on boundary-layer theories, which poorly capture the interactions between the Earth&#8217;s heterogeneous surface and the internal boundary layers aloft. Further, in relation to these theories, there remains outstanding questions that still require new understanding, such as the closure of the surface energy balance, advection quantification, and surface-flux interaction. We hypothesize that under certain conditions of unstable and neutral stratification, surface thermal heterogeneities can significantly influence the flow structure and alter momentum and scalar transport. To be able to access this hypothesis, we designed the Idealized horizontal Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS). IPAQS took place during the summers of 2018 and 2019 at the Great Salt Lake Desert playa in western Utah at the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground&#8217;s Surface Layer Turbulence and Environmental Test (SLTEST) facility. The site is characterized by a long uninterrupted fetch with uniform surface roughness and large thermal and moisture heterogeneities covering a wide range of scales. Observations were made with an array of 2-m high, temporally-synchronized, fast-response sonic anemometers, and finewire thermocouples, which were deployed on a coarse grid covering an area of 800 m x 800 m with 200-m spacing. Results provide valuable insight into the spatial and temporal evolution of the flow. Fine-scale turbulence was measured using Nano-Scale Thermal Anemometry Probes (NSTAP). Meanwhile, larger-scale turbulence was captured with Doppler wind LiDARs. Presented is an overview of the experiment and initial results.</p>
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