The Gaia-ESO Survey: Mapping the Shape and Evolution of the Radial Abundance Gradients with Open Clusters
L. Magrini,Carlos Viscasillas Vazquez,L. Spina,S. Randich,D. Romano,E. Franciosini,A. Recio-Blanco,T. Nordlander,V. D'Orazi,M. Baratella,R. Smiljanic,M. L. L. Dantas,L. Pasquini,E. Spitoni,G. Casali,M. Van der Swaelmen,T. Bensby,E. Stonkute,S. Feltzing,G. G. Sacco,A. Bragaglia,E. Pancino,U. Heiter,K. Biazzo,G. Gilmore,M. Bergemann,G. Tautvaisiene,C. Worley,A. Hourihane,A. Gonneau,L. Morbidelli Astronomy & astrophysics(2023)
stars: abundances,stars: evolution,open clusters and associations: general,Galaxy: evolution
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