
Specifics of Sensitivity Analysis in the Evaluation of International Investment Projects

Biljana Pejović, Andrea Bučalina Matić,Isidora Ljumović

International Scientific Conference EMAN Economics & Management How to Cope With Disrupted Times(2022)

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The simulation technique of sensitivity analysis, as a methodological procedure for assessing the justification of investment projects in conditions of uncertainty, should indicate which inputs the project is most sensitive to. The assessment is performed by converting the in­put quantities into quantitative quantities and setting quantitative criteria for the sensitivity as­sessment. The aim of this paper is to analyze the extent to which the risks posed by doing busi­ness in a global environment can be predicted and quantified in advance and assessing the ad­equacy of the sensitivity analysis for project evaluation in conditions of uncertainty. The specif­ics of the sensitivity analysis and the increase in the risks that international business and the lat­est world events impose were pointed out. The analysis shows that some forms of risk can be pre­dicted, quantified and used in assessing the profitability of investment projects. Recent develop­ments in the global environment, related to the pandemic and geopolitical decisions, like the domino effect, greatly affect a number of risks that must not be neglected when assessing the profitability of international investment projects.
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