Evaluation of the relationship between degenerative bone changes in temporomandibular joint and knee osteoarthritis


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Objective: The aim of this study was to radiologically investigate whether the degenerative bone changes were seen in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) were related to degenerative bone changes seen in temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Material and Method: In data of 28 patients, radiological changes in KOA patients were evaluated according to the Kellgren Lawrence staging. On the other hand, TMJs were examined for degenerative bone changes in the condyle and articular eminence structures of the joint by cone beam computed tomography(CBCT). Results: A total of 28 female patients, 14 in the early stage KOA and 14 in the advanced stage KOA, were included in the study. When the groups were compared; all parameters of both TMJ condyles were observed at a higher frequency except for sclerosis in right TMJ in advanced stage KOA patients. There was no statistically significant difference although only pseudocysts and sclerosis were seen at a higher frequency and rate in articular eminence(p > 0.05). In addition, as a result of the evaluation of bilaterally all knee joints and TMJs together in the early and advanced knee osteoarthritis; the incidence of osteophytes in TMJ condyles was significantly higher in patients with advanced KOA(p < 0.05). Conclusions: Evaluation of TMJs in patients with KOA will be useful in early diagnosis and treatment, due to the possibility of a higher degenerative change in TMJ as a result of the increasing radiological severity of KOA.
Cone beam computed tomography,knee osteoarthritis,temporomandibular joint
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