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Benchmarking Downscaled Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Sparse, Point-Scale Ground Observations

Remote sensing of environment(2022)

Cited 3|Views7
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While strides have been made in their accuracy and availability, the overall utility of satellite-derived surface soil moisture (SM) datasets derived from passive microwave radiometry is still reduced by their relatively coarse spatial resolution (typically >30 km). In response to this shortcoming, many independent satellite-based SM downscaling approaches have been introduced recently. However, owing to limitations in the spatial sampling characteristics of existing SM ground-monitoring networks, it has proven difficult to obtain reliable reference SM observations at the target downscaling resolution for these approaches (typically 1 to 10 km). As a result, the objective evaluation of SM downscaling approaches is often challenging and/or limited to very localized conditions. Here, we introduce and evaluate a point-scale downscaling (PSD) benchmarking strategy whereby spatially sparse, long-term, point-scale SM observations available from existing ground-based SM networks are utilized for the objective benchmarking of downscaled satellite-based SM products. First, we define criteria that must be met for a given SM downscaling strategy to add either temporal accuracy or spatial skill relative to its coarse-resolution SM baseline. Next, we illustrate, both analytically and numerically, that such criteria can be accurately evaluated using sparse, point-scale SM observations available from existing ground-based SM networks. Finally, we apply our new PSD benchmarking approach to evaluate existing fine-scale SM products. Results demonstrate that the PSD approach, in concert with existing ground-based network data, can be leveraged to robustly evaluate SM downscaling approaches.
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Validation,Spatial scaling,Microwave,Resolution,Soil moisture
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