Structure of the proteolytic enzyme PAPP-A with the endogenous inhibitor stanniocalcin-2 reveals its inhibitory mechanism


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The metzincin metalloproteinase PAPP-A plays a key role in the regulation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling by specific cleavage of inhibitory IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), we here report the structure of PAPP-A in complex with its endogenous inhibitor, stanniocalcin-2 (STC2), neither of which have been reported before. The highest resolution (3.1 Å) was obtained for the STC2 subunit and the N-terminal approximately 1000 residues of the PAPP-A subunit. The 500 kDa 2:2 PAPP-A·STC2 complex is a flexible multidomain ensemble with numerous interdomain contacts. In particular, a specific disulfide bond between the subunits of STC2 and PAPP-A prevents dissociation, and interactions between STC2 and a module located in the very C-terminal end of the PAPP-A subunit prevent binding of its main substrate, IGFBP-4. While devoid of activity towards IGFBP-4, the active site cleft of the catalytic domain is accessible in the inhibited PAPP-A·STC2 complex, as shown by its ability to hydrolyze a synthetic peptide derived from IGFBP-4. Relevant to multiple human pathologies, this unusual mechanism of proteolytic inhibition may support the development of specific pharmaceutical agents, by which IGF signaling can be indirectly modulated.
Cryoelectron microscopy,Insulin signalling,Proteases,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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