Effects of Early Post-Transplant Belt Electrode Skeletal Muscle Electrical Stimulation Therapy on an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipient: A Case Study

Nihon Zoketsu, Men'eki Saibo Ryoho Gakkai zasshi(2022)

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Decline in physical function in the early stages after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a major problem, and it is important to investigate new rehabilitation methods that can control physical function decline. Belt electrode skeletal muscle electrical stimulation (B-SES) was initiated soon after transplantation in a 49-year-old man. It was possible to introduce B-SES 4 weeks post transplantation without any adverse events, such as infection or internal bleeding. Although the amount of physical activity decreased in the early post-transplant period due to hemorrhagic cystitis, the B-SES implementation rate was 92%. Furthermore, the change in knee extensor strength during the transplant period was 0.37 Nm/kg, which was less than the change we had previously reported before the introduction of B-SES. We believe that the introduction of B-SES in the early post-transplant period may be a new rehabilitation strategy for controlling muscle weakness.
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