Investigating the effective permeability evolution as a function of hydrate saturation in the hydrate-bearing sands using a kinetic-theory-based pore network model

Computers and geotechnics(2022)

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Permeability governs the fluid flow of hydrate-bearing sediment and affects the efficiency of natural gas pro-duction from hydrate reservoirs. The permeability in hydrate-bearings sediments is estimated empirically and appears to vary widely for sediments. This study focused on the sandy hydrate-bearing sediments and intended to elucidate the evolution of effective permeability by the mean of pore network modeling. A hydrate kinetics theory-based pore network model (KT-PNM) has been developed, in which the simulation of hydrate formation in porous media is implemented by employing two sub-processes, i.e., hydrate nucleation and hydrate growth. This KT-PNM has been applied to simulate hydrate formation in different pore networks. The permeability reduction exponent (N) for sandy hydrate-bearing sediments is determined to fall in the range of 3-4 based on the simulations of seven sandy samples. An empirical equation used for predicting the effective permeability in sandy hydrate-bearing sediments has been further proposed. The developed model and simulations are hoped to provide valuable insights of pore-space effects on hydrate into permeability prediction for studying the fluid seepage in hydrate-bearing sediments and facilitate the numerical simulation of gas production from the hydrate reservoirs.
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Key words
Natural gas hydrate,Hydrate formation,Pore network modeling,Hydrate saturation,Effective permeability,Permeability reduction exponent
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