
Economic Evaluation of Cost and Benefits of Implementing Monitoring and Tracking System of Persons in Medical Facilitates.

International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST)(2022)

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Healthcare is one of the most important systems of the state, the non-functioning of which causes a serious impact on the health and life of its population. From the point of view of the continuous provision of health care, it is necessary to consider measures that would reduce the risk of potentially spreading infectious respiratory diseases (such as COVID - 19) to health professionals. Continuous provision of health care is conditioned by the staffing of health facilities. One of the possible and long-term measures that contributes to reducing the transmission of COVID-19 as well as other infectious diseases is the monitoring and tracing of people. Within the project APPV-20-0457 Monitoring and Tracing of Movement and Contacts of Persons in Medical Facilities, researchers at the Faculty of Security Engineering of the University of Žilina address this issue. The research focuses on creating cost-effective tool for tracking and monitoring people in healthcare facilities using appropriate innovative technological solutions. The presented article focuses on solving a part of the researched issue of the economic evaluation of monitoring and tracing of persons in health care facilities. It points out the possibilities of applying the method of cost-benefit analysis when deciding on the implementation of monitoring and tracing systems for selected medical facilities.
Monitoring,Tracing,Cost-Benefit Analysis,Security,Health Care
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