SMAS: a smart alert system for localization and first response to fires on ro-ro vessels

Distributed Event-based Systems(2022)

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BSTRACTIn this paper we present the design and utility of a Smart Alert System (SMAS) for quick first response and effective fighting of fires in their initial stages on roll-on / roll-off (ro-ro) vessels. Given that localization within the steel structures of a vessel is currently an open problem, we develop a ground-breaking infrastructure-free (i.e., "zero" infrastructure) localization architecture to localize on ordinary smartphones in vessel indoor spaces that lack any infrastructure whatsoever (e.g., Wi-Fi, BLE, UWB, RFID, LED). Particularly, we developed a smartphone-based Computer Vision (CV) localization technology upon which an innovative nearest neighbor information communication channel for spatio-textual alerting between first responders is constructed. We also develop information sharing channels of multimedia content (e.g., heat scans) but also provide an integrated search and navigation tool for stationary and mobile assets of a vessel and the fire control operation. We have developed a complete functional system of SMAS using a micro-service edge architecture that deploys sharded sqlite micro-databases. We will present SMAS in two modes: (i) Online Mode, where attendees will be able to carry out simulated emergency scenarios; and (ii) Offline Mode, where attendees will be able to observe emergency scenarios recorded on video traces.
smart alert system,fires,smas,localization
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